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Are we Malnourished by Quality of food we Eaten

 Are we Malnourished by Quality of food we Eaten?

The issue of malnutrition has become common across the globe, especially in developing nations. Malnutrition can be as a result of inadequate intake of food or lack of nutrients that the body needs to function correctly. The quality of food that we consume greatly contributes to our overall health and well-being. However, there is a prevalence of low-quality food in the face of poverty, and this has a considerable impact on people's health.

It is alarming to note that the standard of living below poverty levels largely contributes to malnutrition. The majority of the population survives on low-quality food, often highly processed, low in nutrients, and unhealthy fats and sugars. These conditions contribute to energy imbalance in the body, leading to overconsumption of food with little nutritional value. This eventually leads to overweight, obesity, and various health complications.

The World Health Organization highlights the centrality of food in achieving a healthy life. Therefore, the role of policymakers and government is vital in ensuring citizens have easy access to quality and nutritious foods. The government should take necessary measures to get rid of extreme poverty, which leads to inadequate food and malnutrition. This may include supporting local farmers to produce healthy foods for local consumption, ensuring that food distribution networks are secure and reliable, and conducting awareness campaigns.

In conclusion, malnutrition is a significant issue in today's society, largely due to inadequate quality food in the face of poverty. In response, policymakers and governments must take necessary measures to get rid of poverty and promote access to quality and nutritious foods in the society at large. By ensuring that everyone has access to quality food, we can greatly reduce the levels of malnutrition and ensure a healthier population


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